Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday Morning. Smoke Free?

It's 1-6-2012 at 8am in the morning and I'm sitting here with my morning coffee. This isn't a normal morning where I would've already had 3 cigarettes before sitting at the computer. I'm sitting here checking facebook and emails w/o my mind telling me "OK Bud, time for a smoke" is but it is very faint because I am wearing a nicotine patch. Hopefully I have enough patches to last until the obsession and compulsion is gone. If not, well I guess I'll get more.

Being in the hospital this time for five days was a great start quitting smoking and an eye opener too however, I do know that I will have to limit myself as to how much time I can hang out with my friends for a while because some of them smoke too. I don't think they would erg me to smoke but you never know. I might even be in a weak spot in my mind and smell it and trigger off that "GIMMIE A DAMN SMOKE"....LOL We go through a lot of feelings and emotions when we quit and have to keep vigilant of our goal and that is to be smokeless at the end of the night when we lay down to sleep. Yes, if we don't smoke, it's a successful day!

God Bless!


  1. One day at a time, Roger. One day at a time. After a while, you will probably hate the smell. I've heard that it gets easier the longer you go. But no matter what, it's one day at a time. You can do it!!

  2. Roger this is a great way to start off the New Year! I will be thinking and praying for you! I'm also a smoker ( a closet one ) not many people know that I do and I want to quit myself...maybe through your success it will spur me on!

  3. Deborah, I had decided that the next time I go into the hospital for respiratory problems I would try to quit knowing I already have a good jump on the situation being in the hospital. It's cool when your in there but the real challenge is when you get out.

  4. One step in front of the other Roger you are doing great. When you are strong enough you will be able to handle it with friends as a matter of fact you may just surprise yourself and be totally disgusted with the smell. You know your smellers are being cleansed right, lol! ;) Thumbs up to you. Passing on my focus mantra for this year well it's my motto period... Just Do It! Nike got it right! :)

  5. Carla, mantra? guess I'll google that one!...LOL Thanks hun! :)

  6. Hi Rog like I said before I quit cold turkey back in 2007, I am around people that smoke it bothers me sometimes but not much, I just keep in mind I don't want to have another Stroke sense they said thats why I had my Stroke back in 2007. both my arteries on both sides of my neck where blocked 90% and 91% all from smoking they said. and you no what I don't even miss it I look at the people who do smoke and feel sorry for them its not worth the risk! I am very proud of you Rog (hugs)

  7. Thanks Deb, I hope I feel that way until the end of time. This was a rough epasope and my back still is sore from coughing but I know it will go away.

  8. Roger I am so happy to see how you are doing from day to day. I to am a smoker and really need to quit I have COPD,ashthma,very bad allgeries and sinuses. I am hopeing by reading about your quitting maybe it will inspire me to quit. Good luck my friend.

  9. Mamaw, Yes we can if we stick together! :)

  10. Sorry I can't sympathize, but I am rootin' fer ya! I had a cigarette 2x. When we were kids, Dad smoked. We always wanted to try it; so, when we were young he offered it to us... a whole cigarette... they did that back then... I didn't like it. When I was in HS, I tried 1 more... still didn't like it. I had a big problem with what to do with it. I figured I had to either hold it in my hand or mouth. Either way was more of an annoyance. So, I didn't do it.

  11. Glad you never made it a part of your life Robyn :)
