Building motorized bikes started out as a hobby and a thrill to ride. However, it is growing in popularity and I'm getting a lot of inquiries. about them. Since the first one I built in May of 2010 I have built and sold 5 of these kind of bicycles.
This particular bicycle shown was the fist one I made. When I planned this bike I didn't want to make it like the usual beach cruiser type with the wide handle bars and huge white wall tires. Nope I wanted it to be different so I looked for a mountain bike that would except the motor and accessories needed to run the bike and this is what I came up with. It was a hit the first ten minutes I was riding it. As I was driving down the street a guy drove up and rolled down his passenger window and yelled "He man, do you know how fast you are going"? I said "Whats that"? He said "35"!!! We both laughed.
Yes, it's true. These bike really go 35 mph and will travel 150 mpg. <=== Thats One Hundred and Fifty Miles Per Gallon of Gasoline. Just think of all the money you can save running to the store, mailing letters or running other errands. Simply add a wire basket to carry items in, like I did. Be sure to lock it up though because they do attract a lot of attention.
Another great fetcher about these bikes is that you can pull the clutch grip located on the handle bar and ride it as a bicycle too. I usually will do this when I'm at a car show or festival during the summer. Oh' and also, in Michigan you don't need a licence to operate this kind of bike as long as you ride it as a bike and follow your state or local bike laws. I just ride with traffic on the side of the road and stop at stop signs and traffic lights and the cops never say anything. Last summer I had four cops in neighboring cities pull me over and chat about the bike.
If you would like to ask me anything about these kind of motorized bike don't hesitate to ask. Simply drop me a line at kingmoose599@yahoo.com and title it "Roger's Motor Bike" and I will get back to you that day.
"Happy Riding"